Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Tears and Triumphs of a New Author - Chapter 3

The Tears and Triumphs of a New Author

Chapter 3

I have my characters, Walt, Maggie, Mary, Willie and the Professor.
Now I need a plot, a storyline that will keep the reader involved from cover to cover.
I know I want to make people laugh.
The world is full of sadness and tragedy. When I read a novel, watch a TV show or go to the movies, I want my escape to make me feel good.
In real life, I always try to find the funny side of things and I believe there is an element of humor in almost everything that happens to us.
In my family there is a contest between my son’s father-in-law and me as to who does the goofiest things as we enter our dotage. I was briefly in second place when Jim left his teeth on the counter and a mouse ran off with them. I’m usually in first place if that tells you anything.
I also love mysteries. Along with funny stuff, I enjoy immersing myself in a good who-done-it that makes me think and reason.
In addition to hundreds of crime dramas on TV, I have read and enjoyed Michael Connelly’s Harry Bosch series and Robert Crais’ Elvis Cole series. Both are engaging mysteries with a touch of humor.
I am not into graphic blood and guts and I don’t need gratuitous sex scenes. For me, when I read a story I appreciate it when the author lets me fill in the blanks with my own imagination.
With these things in mind, it’s no coincidence that Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series is a favorite. They combine just the right amount of mystery and humor to keep me reading, laughing and thinking.
So now I know the style that I want to achieve.
I want to write a story about senior citizens who are a long way from being “over-the-hill”, who encounter mysteries in their lives and solve them as only an old-timer can.
And along the way, explore the humorous side of aging and the challenges of the Golden Years.
I can’t wait to get started.

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